Jackson MS Infiniti Transmission Service

Infiniti owners know that like any other luxury vehicle, their Infiniti requires regularly scheduled maintenance and only the best in qualified, skilled automotive expertise to keep their valued vehicle operating and running smoothly. When having problems with an Infiniti, whether related to an engine, brakes, wheels, chassis, suspension, or anything else, only a true professional who is familiar with Infiniti's advanced engineering system should be trusted.
Trusted Infiniti SpecialistsWhen it comes to making sure repairs or services on luxury cars such as those offered by Infiniti are effective and long-lasting, only the most trusted and experienced individuals should be trusted. Madison Motor Werks has earned a reputation for hiring a team of technicians that have the training, skills, knowledge, and dedication to meet these requirements. Additionally, our team is continually educating themselves on how to improve their skills with ongoing training at some of the industry's best seminars and training courses. Rest assured that Madison Motor Werks continually invests in our technicians, tools, and equipment for our customers' benefit.
Trusted ServiceMadison Motor Werks is not known to ever give our customers false promises, but rest assured when entrusted with a beautiful vehicle such as an Infiniti, our customers have our guarantee that it will have unequaled care and attention. In fact, Madison Motor Werks has acquired a reputation and is known for its honesty and quality of service. A reputation that we have every intention of maintaining for many years to come. So whether something as simple as routine maintenance is needed, to a more advanced repair, the team at Madison Motor Werks will work hard to exceed customers' expectations.
Madison Motor Werks offers the following drivetrain repair services for all Infiniti vehicle types. Our drivetrain technicians are professionally trained and certified specialists who are recognized by many in our area as being the best choice in the area for the repair and service of automatic and manual transmissions, transfer cases, differentials, driveshafts, u-joints, and CV joints for vehicle models manufactured by Infiniti.
Transmission Repair & Service- 4-Wheel Drive (4x4)
- Automatic Transmission
- Computer Diagnosis
- External Diagnosis
- Fluid & Filter Replacement
- Manual Transmission
- Performance Transmission
- Transmission Adjustment
- Transmission Cooler
- Transmission Rebuild
- Transmission Replacement
- Transmission Reseal
- Differential Diagnosis
- Differential Rebuild
- Differential Fluid
- Differential Parts
- Clutch Adjustment
- Clutch Kit Installation
- Clutch Slave Cylinder
- Axle Shafts
- U-Joints
- Transfer Case
- CV Joints
Madison Motor Werks services and repairs the following vehicle models manufactured by Infiniti at our auto repair shop.
Please Note: While we strive to service all of the Infiniti models listed below, due to the lack of availability on parts for many older models, Madison Motor Werks may not be able to be service or repair some of the models listed below, but we will make every effort to be of assistance.